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Dr Sivapirabu Sathasivam

BSc(Med), MBBS (UNSW), FRACS (Plast)


  • Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery



Dr Siva Sathasivam is a Australian trained specialist Plastic Surgeon. He completed his undergraduate medical degree at the University of NSW in 2002, and completed his basic surgical training at St George Hosital, NSW. After selection into the Plastic Surgery training program, he rotated through all the major teaching hospitals in Sydney. He was awarded his Fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon in 2013. He is currently the Supervisor of Plastic Surgery Training at Nepean Hospital. He is a member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Australian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. He has a special interest and significant experience in skin cancer reconstruction, hand surgery and cosmetic surgery.


  • Sydney Adventist Hospital